Our Little Girl

My Little Princess

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can't wait to meet you my little baby

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Kellie @35.3weeks

Kellie @35.3weeks
facial profile

Kellie Marie

Kellie Marie
@33weeks can see her eyes open and her clutch fist

baby kellie

baby kellie

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

6 weeks3days

well today im feeling my allergies are kicking me and im so very tired and yet to prepare for another snowstorm..we are under storm warnings from today until tommorrow evening and we are expecting to get 12-18inches..I really don't want anymore snow we just had 30 inches on saturday just 3days ago..

Bobby had no school on Monday and today he will have school but most likely he will not have school tommorrow and ofcourse my hubby will not have work but overall look on the bright side of spending the day cuddle up and watching movies with my family :)