Our Little Girl

My Little Princess

pregnancy calendar

can't wait to meet you my little baby

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Kellie @35.3weeks

Kellie @35.3weeks
facial profile

Kellie Marie

Kellie Marie
@33weeks can see her eyes open and her clutch fist

baby kellie

baby kellie

Friday, September 10, 2010

I had my last Dr's appt today

and we are now 4cm and 50% efface etc.. so if no baby by next friday she is scheduled for an induction on saturday sept 18th yeah i can't believe it is down to just one week and i'll have my little girl in my arms :)

Sunday, September 5, 2010

My Indution Date

I got my induction date is set for sept 18th unless she makes her entrance before then which i really wouldn't be suprise seeing im dilating 3cm 50% efface and baby is in position(this was as of last week)so it really could be any day now basically but i really wish she would just come..I have been in serve pain in my lower back and her pushing up against my spine(had car accident a few years ago which injured my back)

this appt this week I have with fetal u/s and my weekly dr appt and im suppose to consult with a MFM..