Our Little Girl

My Little Princess

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can't wait to meet you my little baby

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Kellie @35.3weeks

Kellie @35.3weeks
facial profile

Kellie Marie

Kellie Marie
@33weeks can see her eyes open and her clutch fist

baby kellie

baby kellie

Friday, April 16, 2010

I had emergency u/s today(16week today)

i woke up this morning and had blood on my panites and dr called a scheduled a u/s to see what was going on..Baby is fine and measuring right on target but dr told me i have a low placenta and mention something about placenta previa or partial so i will have to find out at my next u/s appt..

saw baby's legs,arms and everything legs were stretched out and the tech didn't want to say or guess but i didn't see a jigger so it could be a girl but ofcourse have to wait alittle longer