Our Little Girl

My Little Princess

pregnancy calendar

can't wait to meet you my little baby

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Kellie @35.3weeks

Kellie @35.3weeks
facial profile

Kellie Marie

Kellie Marie
@33weeks can see her eyes open and her clutch fist

baby kellie

baby kellie

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

16weeks 4days

Today I completely have NO energy to do anything what so ever and it is so nice outside..well my hubby comes home early and is going to his eye dr appt and im going with him..next week I have my next dr appt and should be starting my progesterone shots once a week up until I reach 34weeks along..I can't wait until the big u/s day especially to find out for sure if im having a girl (which i think i had saw it was a girl on the last u/s) but we will see..The next couple of weeks is planning bobby's 8th bday party at karate school and invited over 20 of friends and will order his cake at end of the month..In 2months looking forward to having my older son Danny come down for the summer and will stay in maine for 2 nites at a friends house and then head back home to philly..